Ik zet me in voor Het Vergeten Kind!

Jennifer Sonke


13% reached of my target amount €1,500

Every month our company, Waada, chooses a Charity of the Month. The Forgotten Child has been chosen as the charity for December.

December is a month of celebration, but for thousands of children in the Netherlands it is not a moment of celebration. They can no longer live at home. They have been neglected or abused. They fled violence or were removed from their homes because they were no longer safe there. The traumas leave deep marks. It makes them insecure, scared and angry. There are also many children who do live at home, but who are confronted with serious problems from their parents on a daily basis. Their addiction(s), large debts, psychological problems and inability create a negative climate. As a result, children do not receive the positive attention they so desperately need. They become lonely, become socially isolated and their development is hampered. Later in life, these children run an increased risk of turning into criminals, not being able to keep a job, experiencing problems in raising their own children or even not being able to enter into a lasting relationship at all.

Het Vergeten Kind is committed to helping children in the Netherlands who are having a hard time, because there are many problems at home. Sometimes the situation is so serious that they no longer live with their parents. The goal of Het Vergeten Kind is that all these children feel heard and seen, live in a safe and stable place and can develop positively. So that they find their own place in society.

This month Het Vergeten Kind is creating Unforgettable Christmas boxes for the children. The Christmas box symbolizes all the activities that Het Vergeten Kind organizes for vulnerable children during the Christmas holidays. Such as days out to amusement parks. We distribute surprise boxes through municipalities, packed with games, crafts and baking supplies.

Do you want to give a forgotten child a nice Christmas? Donate then today! It is my goal to help at least 100 children! We need 1.500 euros for this. Do you help with reaching this goal?

Raised €250

Raised €500

Raised €1,000

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Received 10 donations

Received 25 donations

Received 50 donations

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